April 30, 2015 | By Mike Ryan

Presented by: Mike Ryan, Senior Vice President, Client Strategy
In less than five years, Digital Natives will outnumber Baby Boomers. At the start of the next decade the generation that grew up connected to smartphones and other web-enabled devices will make up half of the available workforce, and by 2025 they will represent 70% of the total talent pool. Attracting and retaining them is the key to long-term business survival. It’s one of the greatest challenges facing CEOs today.
So what can companies do to win their attention and capture the loyalties of this growing group? What role does your reward and recognition program play in your strategy?
In this Webcast, Mike Ryan explores:
What Digital Natives want most from their working experiences
How those desires differ (or not) from others
Why your technology plays a big factor in how they perceive your company and their place in it
Why the word “connectivity” has both social and technical implications
The importance of social recognition. What it is and why it’s critical for this generation
7 key things your employee recognition platform will absolutely need moving forward